My Care
Experience Thoughtful Care Every Step Of The Way
We respect you as the expert of your own body and trust you to make decisions about your care that are best for you. Whatever season of life you’re in, our Midwives are here to listen & provide you with respectful Midwifery Care.
Pregnancy & Birth
One of the most important decisions you will make and the one that will have the biggest impact on your pregnancy & birth experience, is your choice of care provider. We recognize the importance of our role and how special the day a family gives birth is. While you cannot control every detail of pregnancy, labor, or birth, you are able to make choices that can support you in having the best experience possible.
Your Prenatal Appointments

Prenatal care is more than what happens during your visits with us, it’s how you care for yourself when you aren’t with us that really impacts your pregnancy and your baby’s health. We provide you with information so you can make the healthy choices that lead to the best experience possible.
Prenatal visits are a fundamental part of growing your baby and we want you to know exactly what to expect during your visits with us.
During your first visit with us we will get to know each other and review the following.
• Your Medical history
• Your Physical health
• Nutritional Health
• Your desires for your birth
All prenatal visits with your Midwife include:
• Checking your blood pressure
• Urinalysis
• Fundal height measurement (measuring the growth of your baby)
• Gently feeling your baby’s position to ensure baby is in a good position for birth
• Listening to your baby’s heartbeat
• Discussing any concerns or questions you may have
Your prenatal visits occur monthly until 28 weeks of pregnancy, then every two weeks until the 36th week, followed by weekly visits until your baby arrives. **Currently you also have the option for some appointments to be done through telehealth
If you are planning to have your baby at home, your Midwife will make a home visit towards the end of your pregnancy in order to become acclimated with your birth space.
Most labs are done in the Birthways office and we offer referrals for ultrasounds or additional testing as needed or requested.
Having a baby is a special time in a family’s life and your Midwives at Birthways Family Birth Center feel honored and blessed to be a part of your experience.
Pregnancy & Labor

During your labor, your Midwife can be as involved as you need her to be. She can actively provide support, encouragement, and guidance. Or, if you prefer to labor alone with your husband or partner she will provide you with as much privacy as possible. Of course, she will make sure that you and your baby are doing well throughout labor by quietly listening to your baby’s heartbeat and assessing your vital signs at regular intervals.
Rest assured that interventions will only be done when needed and with your consent. When it’s time for your baby to be born, your Midwife will encourage you to follow your body for physiologic pushing. Changing positions during this time in labor is often helpful and she may suggest positions if needed.
When your baby is being born you or your partner may “catch” the baby if you choose. Your baby will be assessed in your arms. After the cord stops pulsing it can be cut by whomever you choose.
If a hospital birth becomes necessary, your Midwife will transition your care to the hospital providing you with support and information to assist you in making important decisions.
Home Birth

Water Birth

Postpartum Care & Support

The delicate postpartum hours are a time of wonderment, joy, and exploration. One of the very best things about birthing with us at Birthways is our attention to the natural flow of the postpartum time period. Our team, made up of your Midwife, Student Midwife, and/or Birth Assistant, will remain with you for the first several hours post-birth, until you are ready to be on your own with your family.
During the first few hours, you and your baby are closely monitored for continued health and wellness. Our midwives pride themselves on welcoming babies graciously with gentleness and love. Respect for your bonding time is of the utmost importance to us and providing you the opportunity to have your baby’s assessments done while in your arms is one of our favorite things about the work that we do. After you and your baby have nursed, we will do a full physical examination of your new family member right on the bed next to you! This is an excellent photo opportunity!
A decorative birth certificate with your baby’s footprints is a sweet, personal keepsake we provide for your memorabilia.
We recommend a visit to your chosen pediatrician within 72 hours of the birth, which can be scheduled at your convenience. We will contact your pediatrician and share your records with them for the continued care of your baby. Vitamin K and erythromycin eye ointment are available for your baby if you so choose. No need to worry about the birth certificate or social security card; we take care of all the paperwork for you!
Over the 6-8 weeks following your baby’s birth we will:
- Provide your baby with routine newborn screening
- Metabolic Screening (PKU)
- Hearing Screen
- Critical Congenital Heart Defect Screening (CCHD)
- Give you and your baby a physical exam
- Discuss your birth experience
- And provide you with family planning options
Wellness Care
Our Certified Nurse-Midwife, Cheryl Ross- Hollifield, APRN, CNM, offers gentle, high-quality wellness exams that focus on your individual needs. Hour-long appointments allow for a thorough review of your health history and time to address your questions and concerns.
As part of our well-woman care we offer:
- Annual exams and pap smears
- Family planning & birth control options
- Menopausal support
- Treatment for minor gynecological issues
- Very first gynecological exams for young women
- Referrals to other providers when medically

Annual Exams
Your wellness visit is all about you, your body, and your reproductive health. Wellness visits are also called gynecological exams, pelvic exams, or annual exams. If you have a vulva, breasts, or a uterus, these visits are an important part of taking care of your health (no matter what your gender identity is).

Family Planning
Our Certified Nurse Midwife Cheryl will meet with you one-on-one to discuss sexual and reproductive health topics and can assist you with contraceptive decision-making in a safe and empowering environment.

Menopausal Support
If reproduction is no longer on the table, should you still schedule regular well-woman visits? YES! Changes in a woman’s body related to a lack of estrogen can affect bladder control, vaginal function, bone density, temperature control, and emotions are everything we will discuss with you and more at your next visit.
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