Frequently Asked Questions On Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is a special stage in motherhood that requires guidance and utmost care. New mothers often have questions surrounding this new part of their lives and for good reason. Every person will experience different challenges, but there are a few universal questions that come more often. That’s why we have provided a list of resources that best answer these questions. Read on to find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on breastfeeding that we get at Birthways Family Birth Center!     

What is engorgement and how can you handle it?

Engorgement is when the breast produces too much milk. The breast becomes swollen, lumpy, hard, and painful too. Most mothers experience this at the initial stage after birth although it can at other times but rarely. 

You can handle engorgement by releasing some of the excess milk. You can release the excess milk by breastfeeding in a laid-back position, pumping the milk into bottles for your baby to feed on later, or you can put disposable nursing pads inside your bra to absorb the excess milk. By breastfeeding your child often, in a steady and consistent pattern, and ensuring your baby is properly fed, your breasts begin to feel better. Rotate pumping with both breasts too; eventually, you will adjust with time. 

Is it normal for a baby to feed for an hour, every hour?

It takes 21 days for the milk supply to come in fully. As the baby grows, so will your milk supply. Babies feed frequently and there’s no timeframe for how long. The ultimate goal is their satisfaction. Feeding at least 10 times a day is normal.

Is there a way to know how well-fed my baby is? 

Feed babies for as long as they are actively sucking and swallowing. When they are satisfied they sometimes have a peaceful look, might fall asleep, or could stop swallowing themselves. It is at this point you can take the cue that they have fed well.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough breast milk?

Bowel movement and weight gain are the surest ways to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk and if your baby is well-fed. 

How does wearing a nursing bra improve my breastfeeding experience?

A nursing bra makes it easy for you to breastfeed unlike the regular bra built to hold your breasts firmly. Your breasts have changed, so a nursing bra helps to accommodate your breasts, offering you adequate support and comfort (and letting your nipples breathe).

Is breastfeeding painful? 

Maybe at first yes, but generally breastfeeding is not painful. There could be instances of pain when your teething baby bites you, your ducts are blocked, or there are oral anomalies, however, the general breastfeeding process isn’t painful. If you feel constant pain during breastfeeding, then you should visit your physician.

How can I handle sore nipples?

Sore nipples can be painful, but there are ways to ease the pain. Soften your breasts before you latch your baby by simply using your hands to let out a small amount of milk from it. After this, you can now try tipping your nipple with your thumb when you are holding your breast to get relief quicker. 


If you have any other concerns or you need clarity on breastfeeding, try out ‘Breastfeeding: A Great Start’ class taught by our Lactation expert Jennifer Chivas, BSN, IBCLC. In this class, you will learn what to expect, the benefits of nursing, positioning and latch techniques, how to establish and maintain milk supply, milk collection and storage, and so much more. Head to our website to sign up