Well-Woman Care at Birthways Family Birth Center

Well-woman care refers to routine visits with your healthcare provider that are focused on a general health history screening, sexual health, menstrual health, and counseling regarding contraception and menopause.

The visit usually comprises history, examination, additional screening tests, or lab tests if need be. 


How often do I need a well-woman appointment?

Ideally, you should have a routine well-woman visit with your health provider at least once a year. If you have any health concerns or your healthcare provider orders any special tests during one of your visits, you might have to go to your healthcare provider more than once to discuss the reports.

If you have a special reason to visit, for example, contraception, you will have to visit as often as you need to. 

Who can have well-woman care at Birthways Family Birth Center?

Any woman from the point of puberty to menopause can refer to our specialists at Birthways for well-woman care. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant or not, well woman care is all about optimizing your health.

What does a well-woman appointment include?

Well-woman appointments, in general, include a thorough history and examination regarding your overall health, with some focus on reproductive health.

At Birthways Family Birth Center, a well-woman appointment usually includes:

  • Annual exams and pap smears
  • Treatment for minor gynecological issues
  • Very first gynecological exams for young women
  • Counseling and guidance regarding family planning, including discussion on different contraception options
  • Counseling plus menopausal support
  • Referrals to other providers when medically necessary


Can you prescribe/administer birth control?

Depending on the law in a specific state/country, a nurse-midwife may be able to prescribe or administer birth control.

In other cases, your nurse-midwife may refer you to a health specialist who can prescribe medication and administer it if need be.