4 Signs of an Overtired Baby


If you are wondering if your baby is overtired and how to soothe them, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some possible signs of infant lethargy.


1. Yawning


As adorable as those baby yawns may look, they may be signaling an underlying problem of over-tiredness.

Babies, like adults, yawn more when they are overtired. It’s possible that your baby yawning is a form of communication that they need a nap.


2. Touching their face


The first thing that comes to mind when we see our baby touch their face is the worry that they might scratch it. However, sometimes touching their face can be a sign of being overtired.

An overtired baby may pull at their ears or rub their eyes. That is why you may notice that babies often scratch their heads when nap time is getting close.

3. Becoming clingy


Clinginess is a common side effect of tiredness in babies. A baby’s clinginess is often accompanied by a strong grip on your finger. Even if they’re content in your arms, they might start fussing unless you move around with them or rock them.


4. Lack of interest


Has your baby lost interest in their favorite song or activity? This is a common sign that your baby is tired. 


A few ways to help soothe your baby to sleep


If you have noticed any or all of the signs mentioned above here’s how you can help baby find some needed sleep:

  • Ensure your baby gets proper sleep, which is: 
    • 14- 17 hours/day for 1-month-old
    • 12 to 16 hours/day for 2-month-old
    • 10 hours at night with 90 mins naps during the day for 3-month-old
    • 12 to 15 hours/ day for 4-month-old
    • 11 hours at night and two long naps during the day when your baby is nearing 6 months 
  • Swaddling: Try carefully swaddling your baby.
  • Pacifier: Give your baby a pacifier; it is a game changer for overtired babies.
  • Movement. Hold your baby close and gently rock them. 
  • Darken the room: Reduce your baby’s exposure to stimuli by keeping the room dark.

To sum up, being overtired is natural for babies. It’s something that can easily be fixed. But if the problem persists and you notice anything unusual, give us a call or consult your healthcare provider.