Our Postpartum Services

As you continue on in your pregnancy, it’s important to start planning and thinking about the care you would like to have postpartum as well! Our support and services continue after the birth well into your postpartum period.

Your birth team here at Birthways will remain with you for the first several hours post-birth. They address any immediate concerns that you might have, help you eat, go to the toilet, etc. 


Skin To Skin Contact

Right after birth, newborn babies are immediately placed onto the mother’s chest. It encourages bonding and helps release essential hormones that help in breast milk production.


Initial Assessment

After the baby is born, we do a newborn exam and initial assessment in the parent’s arms. Our midwives pride themselves on welcoming babies graciously with gentleness and love. Some of the initial assessments involve listening to the baby’s heart and lungs and Apgar scoring.


Detailed Assessment

A couple of hours after your baby’s birth, we do a complete physical exam. It includes taking different body measurements and weights. We also do a more detailed general physical examination which assesses different organ systems. 

During this assessment, we also make a decorative birth certificate for you with your baby’s footprints that you get to keep for your record!


It includes:

  • Checking pulse and blood oxygen levels
  • Listening to the heart and lungs
  • Examining the limbs more closely
  • Doing a general inspection of the entire body, including the genitalia.


Pediatrician Scheduling

We recommend a visit to your chosen pediatrician within 72 hours of the birth, which can be scheduled at your convenience. We will contact your pediatrician and share your records with them for the continued care of your baby. Vitamin K and erythromycin eye ointment are available for your baby if you so choose. No need to worry about the birth certificate or social security card; we take care of all the paperwork with you!


6-8 Weeks Following the Birth

Our care is not over after you have your baby. We see you for follow up care over the next 6-8 weeks. This time allows us to do more screening, discuss your birth experience and how you are coping to this new season of life, and provide you with family planning options. 


For more details about our care give us a call at 941-366-2229 or send us a message