Are there non-hormonal Birth Control options?

While having a baby and building your family is a beautiful concept, there is no reason why you should be doing it if you’re not entirely ready. Family planning is a right, and you should let yourself explore all the different options for birth control before you settle on one that suits you best. 

While hormonal birth control pills are a popular choice, many women experience side effects like nausea, gastric upset, breast tenderness, and even mood changes. Luckily, hormonal birth control isn’t the only kind of birth control out there! Here are some other options to explore that do not rely on hormones!


Paragard (copper) IUD 

A copper intrauterine device (IUD) is a type of non-hormonal device that a trained professional places into your cervix. 

It works by creating an inhospitable environment in the uterus. It causes a local inflammatory reaction that is toxic to sperm. This prevents fertilization and hence pregnancy. It doesn’t stop ovulation and menstruation because there are no hormones involved that disrupt your normal hormonal cycle.

A copper IUD has the added advantage of providing long-term contraception for up to 5 years. It is not intercourse dependent, so you don’t have to worry about making any last-minute arrangements.

Barrier methods:

Barrier methods, the most common of which are condoms, are one of the most popular types of contraception since you can rely on them last minute, and condoms have the added benefit of protecting you from sexually transmitted infections.

Barrier methods include:

  • Condoms
  • Cervical caps
  • Diaphragms

These work by physically preventing the sperm and female egg from meeting and forming a fertilized egg.


Surgical methods:

If you think you have had enough kids or do not wish to have kids at all, you can opt for the more permanent surgical methods that include:

  • Vasectomy: this surgery is performed on the male reproductive organs and involves tying the seminal vesicles that are responsible for releasing the sperm. Since the sperm won’t be released, pregnancy won’t occur. Vasectomy is reversible surgically as well.
  • Tubal ligation: tubal ligation is performed on the female genital tract. It involves cutting and tying the tubes responsible for releasing the female egg. No egg will meet the sperm, hence no fertilization or pregnancy will occur. Tubal ligation is, however, not reversible.


If you would like to talk about your birth control options with us to find the best fit, send us a message