Breastfeeding Problems & Solutions

Breastfeeding Problems & Solutions

Breastfeeding Problems & Solutions You want the best for your healthcare – so do we. Our team focuses on every aspect of your pregnancy and postpartum care including your breastfeeding journey. Breastfeeding is exactly that: a journey, filled with many ups...
Human Rights & Consent In Childbirth

Human Rights & Consent In Childbirth

​While we get caught up with the little details of our children’s birth, it’s easy to lose track of the fundamentals and the industry’s standards of care.Even with the privilege we have to live among advanced technology in prenatal care and childbirth, many women are...
An Unmedicated Birth IS Possible

An Unmedicated Birth IS Possible

Natural Birth IS Possible! Our bodies transform in amazing ways to grow, give birth to, and breastfeed our babies. Many women experience anxiety about birth and are frightened about the pain of labor. This fear may keep expectant mothers from thinking they are capable...
Banishing Stress

Banishing Stress

Stress Away Essential Oil The power of smell is an incredible thing and certain herbal blends can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety. Stress Away is an essential oil blend of tropical and citrus that relaxes and comforts the body and...
Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed cord clamping isn’t a new process and has been part of Birthways Family Birth Center standard of care for as long as we’ve been welcoming babies.In practice, we typically wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating and often until after the...