What You Need to Know About Our Care


Birthways Family Birth Center provides mothers with the satisfaction of having options in their birthing process. We want mothers to know that we respect you as the expert of your own body and trust you to make decisions about your care that are best for you! 

We provide options in all areas of care. We want you to know you have the right to make choices, the right to make decisions for yourself, the right to decline things during your pregnancy, and all of that is important no matter where you give birth! 


Our Care

Birthways Family Birth Center provides pregnancy and prenatal care, labor, postpartum care, and wellness care. Our team is made up of skilled, supportive midwives and support that provide a welcoming environment. We focus on involving you in every aspect of surrounding your care. 

We recognize the importance of our role and how special the day a family gives birth is. We want to always honor that in our care. While you cannot control every detail of pregnancy, labor, or birth, you are able to make choices that can support you in having the best experience possible.


Prenatal Visits

All of your prenatal visits with your midwife include: 

  • Checking your blood pressure
  • Urinalysis
  • Fundal height measurement (measuring the growth of your baby)
  • Gently feeling your baby’s position to ensure baby is in a good position for birth
  • Listening to your baby’s heartbeat
  • Discussing any concerns or questions you may have

Your prenatal visits occur monthly until 28 weeks of pregnancy, then every two weeks until the 36th week, followed by weekly visits until your baby arrives.


Birth Center 

At the birth center, our midwives operate under The Midwifery Model of Care, which is a uniquely nurturing, hands-on approach to care. Midwives are licensed and certified professionals that specialize in low-risk pregnancies and childbirth. Our goal is to reduce surgical intervention and provide mother-centered care in a space that is relaxing and open for you to labor and birth in your way! 


With an impeccable record, our midwives provide safe, professional care. Having a baby is a special time in a family’s life, and your midwives at Birthways Family Birth Center feel honored and blessed to be part of your experience!