

Different Types of Baby Poop

Different Types of Baby Poop

Different Types of Baby Poop As a new parent, it’s natural to worry about every little thing concerning your baby. One thing parents are often worried about is what happens in their baby’s diapers. Why do colors change, what do different colors signify,...
Does My Period Affect My Milk Supply?

Does My Period Affect My Milk Supply?

Does My Period Affect My Milk Supply? If you’ve just had your first baby, you’re probably wondering when you’ll have your first period and whether or not it will affect your milk supply. The hormone responsible for milk production, prolactin, has an inhibitory effect...
What You Need to Know About Our Care

What You Need to Know About Our Care

What You Need to Know About Our Care   Birthways Family Birth Center provides mothers with the satisfaction of having options in their birthing process. We want mothers to know that we respect you as the expert of your own body and trust you to make decisions...
What to Eat in Labor

What to Eat in Labor

What to Eat in Labor? Labor and giving birth takes a lot of energy. Knowing what to eat can help your body gain energy before, during, and after this process. Although the body requires many calories to get through labor, it can be challenging to feel like you want to...